JKCA Sub-Committee grants approval for players participation in local tourneys

JKCA Sub-Committee grants approval for players' participation in local tourneys

The Sub-Committee of Jammu and Kashmir Cricket Association (JKCA) has approved the permission for its players to participate in local tournaments and leagues with a rider that there will be restrictions to players for non-participation in unrecognized tournaments.

A notification issued by the Jammu and Kashmir Cricket Association, available with the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), states that the Sub Committee of JKCA has approved the permission for JKCA players to participate in local tournaments and leagues recognized by the Association.

"The Organizers of the Tournament/League need to approach JKCA in writing seeking recognition for the Tournament. JKCA, based on the merit and criteria laid down by the Association, will grant permission to organizers of these Tournaments", reads the notification.

The notification further states that the particulars of such Tournaments will be displayed on the JKCA website www.jkca.tv, based on which players can participate in that particular Tournament.

A committee member of the association told KNO that the notification also underscores the enforcement of restrictions on players found in violation of this directive for appropriate disciplinary action, as outlined by the Association.

"The restriction on players for non-participation in unrecognized tournaments will continue, and defaulters will be liable for suitable action", adds the notification

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